Looking back, looking forward, looking good

Looking back on '22-'23: Thirty dreams came true

No flooding, gangs, food scarcity, or even school closures could stop them. They are real heroes: our '22-'23 graduates.

It's hard to understand how our students got through this challenging school year. Yet, they did it! In 2022-2023, two of them graduated from university, 11 from trade school, and 17 will graduate from high school. The best part is that they all have an activity right now, whether it is an internship, a micro business, a paid job, or an ongoing academic plan.

Sandrine grew up in the countryside. When she moved to Port-au-Prince, she entered KCH to study IT and micro business training, which she both finished with excellent results. The most challenging and scary part was when she had to flee her home when gangs took over the area. Thankfully, KCH could help her move to a safer place. Sandrine graduated with fantastic grades and continues to work on her micro business. 

Sandrine's story is unique. She never thought a country girl from extreme poverty could have a career in IT. Like the other 29 grads, her academic efforts were victorious against all odds.

Thank you for contributing to their stories. You helped change lives!

With love, 
Astrid de Vries, founder

Looking at '23-'24: One hundred futures in the making

After a lengthy selection procedure (our Haiti team worked so hard), the lucky 100 selected students gathered for introductions, signing contracts, and fun activities last Saturday. Sadly, we also said goodbye to our loyal, lovely bookkeeper Carine, who is leaving KCH for a new adventure.

Our new young men and women are thrilled to be part of our program and excited about what the future will bring.

Their dreams are now one step closer to reality!  

Thank you for rooting for them. You are one of the pillars in their success story.

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