You've got their backs

Look at the smiles of our aspiring entrepreneurs! These fifteen young adults were selected to attend a special micro-business training this summer. If they complete the training successfully, KCH will offer them the financial support they need to get started and make their entrepreneurial dreams come true. They are so excited!

Opportunities like this don't come along very often in Haiti. In a country where day to day life is extremely difficult, it is so inspiring to see, that despite the hardships, there are resilient individuals who are motivated to succeed.

Imagine living in a city where violent gang-wars burn down entire communities, separating families. Imagine not having access to water, food, oil, and living under the constant threat of being kidnapped. How does one survive such hardships?

Thanks to generous donors like you, they have been given a way to survive, a way to make their hopes and dreams come true.

You've got their backs. Thanks to your loyal support, our students have a reason to get up in the morning and fight through the hardships towards a better future. By helping to provide them with an education and the opportunity to thrive you are also providing them with HOPE and DIGNITY.

You are a true lifesaver!

With love and gratitude,

Modieu, KCH electro mechanics student

Student highlight: Augustin 

Growing up without his parents, Augustin's life has been a constant struggle. He grew up in and out of orphanages and on the streets, and his search for his parents lead to nothing. When he came to KCH, we soon learned that though school was challenging since he had missed so many years, he was very talented at making art. This year, while living at the KCH boys' house, Augustin has the opportunity to learn life- and business skills, and to practice and create art, so that by the end of the next school year he can be financially independent and start his own art-selling project. We can't wait to see what beautiful things he will produce

"KCH is good for me because thanks to its support, I have hope for a better future for my life. KCH represents my second mother. Thank you!" - Raina, KCH IT student

"KCH is great for me, because it helps me to survive, going to school, having food, and let me enter a new family. A family with whom I feel so comfortable." - Modieu, KCH electro mechanics student.

Thanks to you...

- 56 young adults attended school in '21/'22
- 22 students recently graduated
- 15 are at a micro-business training
- 75 are ready to start the new school year!

Your kindness is changing lives.

Curious what our students think of KCH?

We asked Modieu, Raina and others to write a review. Check out GreatNonProfits, where students, volunteers and donors mutually agree that KCH deserves a 5-star rating!

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